Sunday, January 31, 2010
Prop 8 Mania

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Shit-tonne of FINALLY!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
And Therefore Forgiven.

Friday, January 8, 2010
Scenes From the Movie of My Life: Changing Seasons Montage
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Titular Explanation
I realised today that I failed to explain the title of this blog. I must admit I'm a fan of names that are thought-provoking and somewhat obscure. The line that prompted my title hails from a fantastic romantic comedy (and one of Brittany Murphy's best works), Love and Other Disasters.
There's a scene in this delightful chick flick in which Jacks (Brittany Murphy) is trying to boost her best friend's (Matthew Rhys—who's character is coincidentally named Peter) ego. The dialogue goes—oh screw it, enjoy this clip!
So, I harnessed all the power of my wit and changed "giant" to its Spanish counterpart, which has given us... *drumroll* Gigante in Waiting!
My faithful readers, (read: David, Megan, Shelly and Katie, as you are the only ones as of yet to be reading this blog) may have noticed my snazzy banner. It features the spires of an enormous, ongoing construction project in Barcelona: La Sagrada Familia. It didn't occur to me as I was creating it that it was, in fact, a good symbol for the message behind my title. This magnificent work, designed by Antoni Gaudí, was started in 1882, but won't be completed until the late 2020s. So I suppose you could say that it, too, is a "giant in waiting".
Here's a photo I took of what would definitely fall into my personal seven wonders of the world.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
- In the coming months, I will be preparing for and embarking on a permanent move overseas, (re)acclimating to my new country of residence, and marrying this beautiful man.
Now, I'm under the impression that such significant life changes require documentation. I was once disciplined enough to keep a steady journal. Later in life, I took to frequent vlogging on YouTube, but I got over it. (Perhaps the compulsion to make myself "presentable" prior to recording was a contributing factor.) A new decade calls for a new medium for self-expression. No pretenses. No rules. When I have something on my mind, time permitting, I'll share.
- My life sometimes yields adventurous and/or amusing stories that I enjoy relaying to others. (See here.)
- I intend to pursue writing someday, like, for real and stuff. (See how good I am at it?) So I suppose I should start practicing in some form or another.
- Seeing my friend and roommate, Megan, launch her own blog and really start honing her mad blogging skills has made me sort of want my own new fancy toy to play with. Plus, after discovering this lady, resistance was futile. She's all shades of awesome.
- It just feels more productive than rewatching countless episodes of Buffy.