This week, I am saying goodbye to a dear friend. Normally, saying goodbye to the person who's been your closest friend in a 300 mile radius for over two years, and your roomie for a good chunk of that, would be devastating. This time, it's bittersweet, heavy on the SWEET! This is because both of us are moving on to better things. We're both chasing our dreams.
You've all probably heard the whole spiel about how different friends come into your life for different lengths of times, but that all come into your life for a reason. Though the time for our friendship as we know it is coming to an end, I know we'll keep in touch. We've both heard each other talking so much about the next chapter in our respective lives that we can't help but be curious as to how it'll unfold! And as for the reason for her coming into my life? Megan's taught me so much. I'm absolutely certain that I needed her, and am blessed to have had her during these pivotal years on the brink of adulthood.
Just when I was beginning to believe that the "real world" meant "stagnant absurdity", Megan reminded me that you can always mix things up. Uninspired by your monotonous career? Hop in the car and take a road trip to Anywhere! (Just make sure to stop and visit Somewhere on the way!) She taught me that no matter how little time your work allows you, you have to live life on your terms.

I think even Megan would agree that I've grown a lot as a person since I moved to Ohio. I just hope that she knows how much of a factor she's been in that process.

In summary, you are an amazing person, Megan; and by far the most deserving of all the joy and success your next chapter will bring!
ReplyDeleteGeez you're going to make me cry. I'm not going to sugar coat this at all: I'm really going to miss you!!!! We have had so may experiences and adventures together the past couple of years. It's crazy to think about how much we have BOTH learned and how much we've grown. We've cried about work. We've danced in the rain. We've laughed at drag queens. I got engaged. You got engaged. We've had medical intermissions. We lived together. We've eaten more pizza can can be counted. Because of the amount of consistent time spent together - I'd say we've come to know each other 100%. I am going to be following your journey and cheering you on from the sidelines!! Me encanta eso!
(cue gangsta's paradise.... aaaaaaahh aaaaaa ahhhhh aaahhhh aaahhh aaaaa!)
Awwww… I still can't believe you're gonna leave Columbus before Peter!! Can't wait to see you again and be the 4 of us together… talking about Miss Coco Peru in a random Spanish beach, in Esthervillle, in Michigan, or maybe all back in Columbus? Hehehehe Doesn't matter the place we're gonna be together again, the most important thing is that we got to knew each other in our lives and that's sure we'll enjoy some new exciting adventures the soonest we can afford to pay!
ReplyDeleteI love you, guys!