"Some friends come into your life for a reason, others only for a season." There are many quotes floating around to that effect. But what's really funny is when when of those "seasonal" friends, someone you somehow had mistaken for a mere acquaintance, swoops back into the picture and claims a permanent residence in your heart.
Beth and I both studied Apparel Merchandising & Design at university. We were around each other pretty frequently and even did one or two group projects together. When I was interviewing for my former job in Columbus, I initially called up Beth to see if I could stay with her, as she was already an employee there. Something came up, and I ended up turning to another CMU alum, Megan—a serendipitous twist that ignited one of the most meaningful friendships in my life thus far!
Despite our miss, Beth still popped in and out of the picture over the course of my C-Bus days. She was always welcome, livening up any social gathering with her infectious smile and unwavering charisma. As we said goodbye at my going away party in Columbus, I kind of thought that would be the last I would see of Beth. Nope!
Beth had some vacation accumulated and was toying with the idea of taking a trip to see Spain. I was flattered that she'd even factor me in to her first European vacation, and started preparing ideas for how I could make her stay as pleasant as possible. Every time I talked to her in the months leading up to it, she was so excited. I was equally excited. Someone from my world was coming to this one! I could speak English all the time again, even laying on the American slang as thick as my heart could desire! Finally, the day came! Beth was in Barcelona!
David and I could not have asked for a better houseguest, or a better tourist for that matter. We did our best to balance enriching cultural experiences with just plain fun. The whole time, she was along for the ride, soaking it all in and leaving her impression on whomever she met. She still comes up in conversation with our family and friends here on a regular basis! (Also,since she's left I've heard "all that jazz", one of her catchphrases, uttered from the mouth of my now husband more times than I can count!)

Figuring out how to drink from the damn fountain.
Bonding in our own... special way.
Beth was so excited to experience a new country, and I was so excited for a taste of the familiar that I don't think either of us was prepared for what would inevitably be the biggest and best part of the whole thing. We might have been acquaintances going into this incredible shared experience, but coming out of it we are most definitely real, quality friends. It was sad to see her go, tears were shed even, but the truth is that the unmistakable mark she left on David and me has yet to fade. I have a feeling that before it does, she'll be back.
Barcelona misses you, Beth!
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